Posts in Navigating Management
3 Ways to Keep Employees Curious

Doing your best to keep curiosity alive and kicking among your team is critical. People who are curious contribute more, collaborate more and feel that their ideas are truly valued (which means they stick around longer!).

If your team isn't pushing the curious envelope - maybe they're too busy or believe they already are as curious as they can be - you can do a few small things to promote an environment of learning within your department. Here are 3 ways to keep your employees curious:

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The Very Second an Employee Resigns

Over 20 years and a fair share of resignations given to me, I've learned the immediate reaction I have to that unfortunate (sometimes not entirely unfortunate) news becomes part of my legacy I've left with that employee. Am I giving this person the memory of working for a jerk boss who made them feel horrible in moving on or the memory of a boss that was supportive right up to the last minute?

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