Worst Opening Line Ever

The worst opening line ever to a Performance Review: I need to make more money.

We all get that you really need to make more money. But that statement doesn't have the power you think when you decide it's going to be your lead-in statement in the conversation.

First, we ALL need to make more money. I am not in this game to sit and look pretty. I am --and I am sure you are-- in this to make more money. The MOST money I can possible make. So that is assumed and obvious for most folks in the business world.

Second, talking money in a Performance Review is albeit important, just not using your imminent need as the REASON you should get a raise. You should get a raise because you are rocking. Rocking awesome more than any of your peers, rocking awesome more than what is expected from your job description. That's your lead in. Backed by, of course, specific examples.

If you are about to get married, have a child, buy a car, move out of your parents' house, go on a vacation, get a divorce, buy a house, whatever other reason people tend to use as why they NEED more money, I'd advise you not to. Those are not valid negotiation tools to garner more cash. Rocking awesome is.


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