Leaders Driving Culture
A collection of tidbits on the topic of driving culture within an agency. Culture is the collective sum of attitudes, skills sets, passions, motivations all combined inside one company.
So if it’s good or not so good, every person individually contributes to the larger whole. And, as a manager (let’s just call you leader from here on out). As a leader, your role in driving that culture is critical.
Relevant articles:
Culture isn’t how your agency looks, it what your agency does.
Building a culture of courage in a climate of fear.
Some culture-driving ?s to ask ourselves.
7 ways leaders drive culture.
Must watch videos:
Good leaders make you feel the culture from day 1.
The idea of collective absurdity.
Great reads:
All In: How the Best Managers Create a Culture of Belief and Drive Big Results by Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton This book answers the most overlooked leadership questions of our day: Why are some managers able to get their employees to commit wholeheartedly to their culture and give that extra push that leads to outstanding results? And how can managers at any level build and sustain a profitable, vibrant work-group culture of their own?
Parting thought:
Be brave and start with yourself – There is no greater witness to others than a leader’s (your) actions. If you are a champion about culture personally, it gives people permission to join in. Participation (or lack thereof) at the higher levels of a company has a ripple effect on the entire population.
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