Posts in Motivation & Inspiration
The Karma of Kindness

Believing in Karma is like learning the Golden Rule. It's just what we learn as kids, it's considered truth and we're not to question it, we're just to abide by it. Period, end of story.

Yes, this is all well and good. I leave a good portion of my life up to Karma. (I know for a 100% fact that a couple of very bad things have happened to me as a result of bad Karma juju I emitted to the world). Mostly, though, I believe in the Karma of kindness.


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Slaying the Shoulds

I'm buried under a pile of shoulds and can't get out. Isn't it about time we stop feeling overwhelmed by all the things we think we ought to be doing? If you too are dying a slow painful death by obligations, let's unite and decide: enough already. It's time for us to come up with a new list. A list of things that REALLY matter that we should be doing every day.

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