Positivity Is Contagious

We affect, and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or another. When you start each day with a positive stance, you literally infect others with your positivity. You know how that feels, right? You walk in, someone is upbeat, smiling, says good morning joyfully. That’s rubs off.

And conversely, when one of us comes in maybe not in the best mood, or continually negative about this, that and the other. Well, that rubs off too.

And I encourage us all to say, "enough already."

My ask is for each of you to commit, from this day forward, to start each day from a place of positivity. Be the person inspiring others. Be the one infecting the rest of us with possibility. I guarantee you, it’s hard. Being a downer, a doubter is much easier.

“See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort.” ~Dalai Lama

Make an effort to give your best each day, check everything else at the door.

relevant articles:
11 Tips to Be Positive Around Negative People
10 Types of Toxic People You Should Avoid
Positive Thinking Made Easy 
How Positive Thinking Builds your Skills, Health and Work

must watch:
TED Talk: The Happy Secret to Better Work

great reads:
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking, a powerful message of inspiration
Better Than Good, Creating a Life You Can’t Wait to Live by Zig Ziglar

Commit to the 3 C’s: No Criticizing, No Complaining, No Condemning
You can criticize others when you do no wrong. Until then, speak kindly. You can complain when you have all the answers. Until then, add to the solution. You can condemn when you are perfect. Until then, lift others up.

something to think about:
Be a teeny, tiny bit better– If we each aspired to being just a teeny, tiny bit better starting today. At home. With our families. Here at work. I think we all could commit to that. It’s not monumental change we seek. None of us is going to be dubbed Mother Teresa tomorrow, tending to the underprivileged masses. Ask what you can do, today, here and now. What can you do to be just a teeny, tiny bit better?


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