Video: Preparing for a Tough Conversation

Yes, tough conversations are tough!

This video training is part of my Monthly Manager Power call series that provides additional advice and support for managers of all levels. You’ll get a straight forward way to prepare to broach a tough topic with someone or give them feedback on their performance. The handouts will give you a step-by-step place to draft out your talking points plus give you some sample lead-ins to the conversation.

Watch the lesson below.


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Speaker Trainer For Managers Cecilia Gorman

About The Host

For the past two decades, Cecilia Gorman has helped advertising agencies and other creatively-minded companies fix costly communication and productivity issues by teaching managers how to become better connectors, motivators, and leaders. She is the author of Always Believe In Better, creator of the digital learning course for managers Manager Boot Camp, and co-founder of the global training and support community for working women—Empowership. For media inquiries or to learn more about hiring Cecilia to speak at your organization click below.
