Having Patience with the Pendulum of Life

Myself, I’ve been selectively struggling, as in some days and weeks have been really good and some days and weeks have been, well, rather ugh.

It’s like a pendulum swinging back and forth that can’t make up its mind which side it likes better.

One of my mentors in my John Maxwell Team, Paul Martinelli, taught me a lesson a long while back on the Law of Rhythm. He said the universe is designed to work in rhythm with cycles that govern how the world operates.

We have daily rhythms like the tide – it goes in and out; and the sun – it rises and sets. We have annual rhythm like the seasons – one arrives after the other in order.

The universe is designed with a rhythm that is both necessary and natural.

And, humans love rhythm!

We KNOW the sun is coming up each day and the rising tide will eventually go out. And by knowing the world’s rhythm, there’s an expectation that’s calming and helps us feel a bit more in control of what’s to come. This is especially comforting when there’s a lot of chaos whirling around us. Like now.

Lately, I’ve been trying to remind myself of this law. That no matter how scary things seem or how off-kilter the world gets, the law of rhythm assures me that a shift will soon come.

I’m learning to be patient with the pendulum.

Is there something that’s weighing on you right now? Unsteady finances? Health neglect or worries? Feeling isolated or lonely? Complete and utter frustration with the year 2021?

Remember rhythm. 

No one can guarantee the timing - it may take days or weeks or a year or two, but the universe's grand design is to cycle.



Maybe your application of this lesson is as simple as taking a slow breath and allowing the space for rhythm to cycle through you. Likening whatever seems bad or wrong or upsetting at work to a rising tide that soon will retreat.

That crazy client driving you to the brink?
A recent cut in pay or job loss?
Your nightmare boss?
Overwhelm or worry or off-the-charts lack of motivation?

Remember rhythm.  

Learning (and remembering!) the Law of Rhythm can be a coping strategy to help you get through whatever's overwhelming on your plate right now.

It’s a small mental shift to help you deal with the never-ending challenges with a simple reminder that this too shall pass. The universe decrees it so.

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About The Author

For the past two decades, Cecilia Gorman has helped advertising agencies and other creatively-minded companies fix costly communication and productivity issues by teaching managers how to become better connectors, motivators, and leaders. Cecilia is the author of Always Believe In Better, creator of the digital learning course for managers—Manager Boot Camp, and co-founder of the global training and support community for working women—Empowership.

Interested in growing your skills as a manager? Check out how Manager Boot Camp might help.