Leader is a Verb

This is a great statement: Leader is a verb.

I imagine most people think it is a noun. Person, place or thing, right? We think of a leader as a person, our boss perhaps or the CEO of our company. Or a place, like the level we want to get to a few promotions up. Or that thing we call leadership - vague and aspirational as it is.

Well, change that thinking. Switch Leader as Noun to Leader as Verb.

A whole new set of definitions come to mind.

Acting like a leader = verb
Being an example for those around you = verb
Helping a co-worker - verb
Inspiring others = verb
Being authentic - verb
Setting goals for your team - verb

See, it's the things we DO that define it. Not the person or the title. Leader as verb equates to a daily action any one of us can take. Begin it now.

(archive of Confessions of a Creative Recruiter can be found here)


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