2018 TAAN Member Webinar Series
2018 TAAN Member Webinar Series
Webinars are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 9 am PST. The 11-part series runs January 2018 through November 2018.
January - LOL, WTH & OMG: A guide to surviving a cross-generational workplace
February - FLEXING WORK STYLES: Overview of DISC
March - EVERYONE COMMUNICATES, FEW CONNECT: What the most effective people do differently
April - OWN-HER-SHIP: A woman's guide to owning career growth and results
May - MORE THAN A COG: How to rock your responsibilities and get noticed
July - INTERNTASTIC: Confidence from Day 1
August - TAMING JUDGMENT: How unconscious bias wreaks havoc on decision making
September - 15 INVALUABLE LAWS OF GROWTH: Live them and reach your potential
October - UP LEVEL FROM ENTRY LEVEL: 5 steps to becoming a polished professional
LIVING BRAVE: Steps to a more courageous you
The $499 enrollment fee gives webinar access to employees with a valid company email address. Upon registration, your primary company contact will be sent a calendar invite with all access information. Webinars are archived and a link for viewing will be emailed to the primary company contact within 48 hours. Archives for all 11 webinars will be kept active until December 31st, 2018.