One small, simple thing. Only better.
I watched a video of Nick Vujicic and John Maxwell today. Both are greats in the leadership and motivational speaker space. If you haven't heard Nick's Life without Limbs story, click the above link NOW and watch him. Amazing.
In what I saw today, Nick talked about the challenge of achieving big goals and presented the idea of being just a bit bigger today. What he means, and what is so very powerful, is that big goals tend to stifle us. The appear so big and so far away that we use that as an excuse not to work toward achieving them at all.
This idea of being just a bit bigger on a smaller thing has impact. He directs us to pick one small thing and do it better than you did yesterday. That might be a workout, a conversation, an assignment, a relationship, whatever.
For me, as it is early January, I applied this thought to my health routine. My big goal of eating better and working out more consistently in 2015 petered out about 6 days in. Ha. So much for a resolution.
Yet if I strive to do one thing just a bit bigger (I actually think the word should be better) than the day before, my goal seems less far away. Maybe I take the stairs 4 more times today than yesterday. Maybe I drink two more glasses of water. Maybe I heavy up on veggies. Skip the cookie.
Now think about this in terms of work. How can you treat your team or co-workers just a bit bigger (better) each day? Perhaps that's scheduling a 1-on-1 a bit more frequently. Or taking the 5 seconds to email them a compliment. Or giving them a hug when that's the only answer to a situation.
What about at home? Ask yourself what is one little thing I can do better for my family today? Maybe that's story time one more night a week. Or 5 minutes longer saying good night.
The point here is start small. And aim to do one, single, small thing better than the day before. Soon you'll have a new standard and a big log of things done bigger. And better.
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