Can You Spare 2 Minutes?

Here's the most simple lesson I've learned in a long time. I learned it from a pastor at church and I wanted to share.

First, because there's so much crazy chaos going on in the world and knowing this could help us cope a bit better and second, because it's so simple even the laziest of us could benefit from it.

It's called "First Two Minutes" and essentially it's a reminder tool. Reminder for what you ask? Well, anything you need to be reminded of :)

Here's how it works: Let's say I'm a wreck over the recent horrific events that have happened (aren't we all?) and I want to make a better habit of expressing gratitude and saying all the things I'm thankful for. But then, my days get away from me and I never seem to take that spare moment to thank the universe for all my blessings.

I have good intentions, I just never seem to see them through.

Maybe for you, you want to pray more. Or you want to connect with your family more. Or you want to write in your journal more. Or you want to stretch your muscles more. Whatever. First Two Minutes is a way to remember to do so.

In every activity you do for the day, take the first two minutes to do your thing.

Take the first two minutes of - your day, your shower, your drive to work, your lunch hour, your wait at the grocery store or the dentist, your drive to pick up the kids, your bedtime routine - all these seemingly random activities that you do during the day and use the first two minutes to do the thing you've been wanting to do.

Now some may work at better times than others, right? You can't write in your journal in the shower, but you can stretch or say affirmations. You might not be able to call your mother-in-law and keep it to two minutes, but you could send a text to a few people in your family and say, "Love you, have a great day."

First two minutes is a trigger to remind us that there are, in fact, tiny pockets of time that we can use in a productive way. And, if we all took the first two minutes of every single day to work towards being better people, I'd imagine the world would become a better place.

Always believe in better.


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